Our 10.30 AM and 5 PM meetings are currently streamed on Facebook. Afterwards join smaller Zoom groups to chat and encourage one another.
There is a Kids Talk in the morning meeting and printable kids activities are available here. Contact Eleanor@wildstreetorg.au for information about Kids Church Online, or Cooper@wildstreet.org.au for Sunday Youth Online.
Ecclesiastes – Making the Most of Your Life
Ecclesiastes speaks into the world that God has made and called good, but that is now bewildering and messy because it is fractured by sin.
It has a simple message that at first seems to give pain, but actually gives life: It teaches us to learn to love life by learning to accept and love the limit of death that God has set on life. You will not live forever and you will not get all the answers for life, but if you come to terms with death and judgement, you will actually love life.