Friday Nights during term from 6-8:30pm

Wild Street Youth Fridays is all about sharing life, showing Jesus. It's a space where all people who are high school aged are always welcome to come to eat, play games, learn, enjoy relationships with one another and Jesus as they meet him in the bible.

Wild Street Youth Fridays is led by trained and committed members of Wild Street Church who deeply care about all teenagers having great relationships with all people and particularly Jesus.

A normal week at Wild Street Youth Fridays looks like eating dinner together (Free for newcomers, $5 for everyone else), playing a fun game, engaging with the bible in a talk and in discussion groups, and then finishing off the night with a fire and some snacks.

Check out our Instagram page to see what we've been up to and what we're up to this week! https://www.instagram.com/wildstyouth/

Ages: Kids in school years 7-12 (year 6 students welcome in Term 4!)

Time: Friday nights from 6-6:30pm during the school term

Location: Wild St Anglican Church hall (Meeting at the corner of Wild St and Hinkler St)

Cost: Free for guests and $5 for every teenager the second time and beyond to cover dinner and snack costs.

Register HERE or in the form below

Contact our youth minister Cooper at cooper@wildstreet.org.au